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Children's Ministry 


We understand the importance of Sunday school to your children. We also understand the need for a fun loving teaching program for your kids. 


Our Childrens Ministry is Led by Sister Raven Richard -Dance who is a student at Baylor University 







Childrens Games



Vision Statement for Our Children’s Ministry


     We envision children waking up parents on Sunday morning excited to go to church.


     We see lots of smiles, glad to be in a place of belonging, welcomed again by familiar face. We see the fright of first time melted by an extra caring touch and loneliness replaced with laughter. We see motivated volunteers, passionate about being with kids, gifted to teach, serve, and shepherd.


     We see a facility which is “kid focused”; that will facilitate learning and having fun for hundreds of kids. We see a clean and attractive environment where excellence and creativity are immediately noticed.


     We see concerned moms relieved as they drop off their children, and dads without distraction, engaged in the service. We envision a security process which builds confidence with parents.


     We see physical care – babies being cuddled and crawlers being chased. We sense a foundation being laid where Sunday morning is an experience of God’s love for the youngest baby and the oldest child; a time when seeds of faith can be planted and nurtured.


     We hear cheers of older kids, and feel fun in the air as hundreds of kids celebrate and sign of the goodness of God; we hear the quietness of prayer. We envision the stories of the Bible told in creative way. We see the look of conviction as the gospel penetrates a child’s heart. We see caring adults leading discussion and listening during small group time. We dream of kids carrying Bibles and bring friends.


     We see whole families growing closer to God and each other through program to motivate and equip parents.


     In the next five years, we envision hundreds of kids choosing to be baptized and building a faith foundation that will lead to a lifetime of full devotion to Christ and multiplication of kingdom impact


K. W. Stephens


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